Hello, my friends, hello. It’s good to need you so. It’s good to love you like I do. And to feel this way… when I hear you say… Hello.
Okay. I have no idea why I just wrote that haha. I think I’m in just one of those moods. Anyway, I got my trigonometry test back on Monday night. PAHAHAHAHA yeah. That’s what I did when I looked at my test. All in all, it wasn’t too bad. I got a 72%. I’m not gonna cry about it though. Instead, I’m gonna dance. Tap dance to be specific haha That’s what I did when I got home from school Monday night. And last night, too. I’ve been in this crazy tap-dancing mode. Many of you don’t know that I tap-danced for a while, and I just miss it so much!! So for the hell of it, this is a picture of my best friend, Mitchel. He's wearing my beautiful tap shoes… kind of haha. I didn’t feel like looking for a pic of myself because this one is just better than any one I have of me wearing them. He will probably shit himself when he sees that I posted this, but oh well. As long as I get a kick out of it...
Ok. Enough of being a bad friend. Here’s some food to make up for it haha This was from my cooking video: The Blonde Experiment. I made a recipe for vegan blondies and I’d say they turned out pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty good. Oh I love Larry David!!! But that’s besides the point. Haha I cannot stay focused today!!!
Here’s my recipe:
Maple Macadamia Nut Blondies
1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce
1/4 cup macadamia nut butter
1/4 cup organic cane sugar
1/4 cup pure maple syrup
1/4 cup brown rice syrup
1/4 tsp pure vanilla extract
1/4 tsp maple extract
1/4 tsp xanthan gum + ¼ cup water
1/4 tsp instant yeast
1 cup + scant 1/4 cup whole wheat flour
1/4 tsp sea salt
1/4 cup macadamia nuts, chopped
1/4 cup unsweetened shredded coconut
1/4 cup vegan chocolate chips
Directions: Preheat oven to 350F. Spray an 8x8 in. pan with canola oil cooking spray.
Mix applesauce, nut butter, sugar, maple syrup, and rice syrup together in a stand mixer. Combine xanthan gum and water in a cup and allow it to set for a few minutes. Add the extracts to the sugar mixture. In a separate bowl, combine yeast, flour, and salt and stir together. Add the xanthan gum to the sugar mixture and blend. Add flour mixture to the wet mixture and mix. Fold in macadamia nuts, coconut, and chocolate chips. Pour batter into pan and bake for 22-24 minutes and allow time to cool before cutting.
Anything with macademia nuts would have to be good :)
Mmmm, I love blondies.
Tap Dancing!!! Awesome! And the brownies look super good! I would have voted for them a billion times over!
i love love blondies..looks amazing!
thta looks so great! i'll bake it sometime and get back to ya! :)
Macadamia nuts? Yes, please! They sound great :)
Yummy blondies!! I can't say no to macadamia nuts!
That's so cool that you used to tap dance!
You saved me a blondie, riiiight???
maple macadamia blondies! those sound delicious, i love macadamia nuts :)
you are so funny. i also loved tap when i was an intensive dancer! its so much fun :)
Hi Jooo!!
Haha!!! Your Friend looks...... AHHH SOOO FUNNY!! =DDDD
How is he like...?!! =DD
Well,well.....BLONDIES!!!! Used to make blondies a lot =DD They never fail hah!!
Hope to hear from you soon =>
HUGS from me !!!!!!!!
Your blondies look amazing! :)
And that pic of your friend is too funny!
Popcorn and Pringles are loaded with fat and calories!! haha
Aww, I really wish I knew where you could get some sugar cane juice in the states, or even sugar cane. I kind of wonder if Oriental stores sell it? Or maybe even a Brazilian import store ( they DO exist in the States! I've been to several) All i know is that it is amazing tasting!
gimme a blondie! and woot for tap dancing! right on!
The blondies look *so* good! :)
I love blondies almost as much as I love brownies!
I found muffin pans similar to the ones I imagine you have; $11.99 at my local kitchen shop. I'm putting them on my Christmas list!
You are a baking maniac!
Hahaha! You're funny.
That recipe sounds and looks delicious!
Yay for blondies.
I loved tap dancing when I was a kid!
yum what a delicious sounding recipe :)
Mitchel looks like a good sport. :)
Those looks amazing. Everyone is making the best baked goods lately!
Wow those look great! And hurrah for the Diamond, yeah!
These look DELICIOUS! I better wait a few days until after Thanksgiving to make them though. I know I will gain 20 lbs...but I don't want to gain 21 lbs. ;) Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Michelle, Mocha and Quincy
Blondies are among my favorites, and macadamias are my favorite nut. So this pretty goes without saying... these are awesome :)
And actually I have a chiropractic degree... with is DC.
Helllo tasty!
those blondies look great! i bet they're tasty!
Yeah, I've seen you commenting her blog sometimes. I'm one of her friends from the states before she went to Brazil a couple of years ago.
And...well, we don't USUALLY have hot wings for Thanksgiving, but we had our turkey when all my sisters were in the state and my mom didn't want to make two of them.
Those look fantastic. This might be an ignorant question, but what does the Xantham Gum do?
Nice tap shoes! :)
Hi Jo, thanks for visiting. I must say I read though your entire front blog it was quite entertaining. You know, you could write a cook book, mix it with your fun humor and it would be a seller! As I was reading I was seriously picturing you on TV like Rachel Ray, only funnier. Keep up the dream. I will definatly visit again! :)
Happy Thanksgiving, Miss Beautiful Joanna!
blondies look good to me!
That pic makes me think of cinderella when the stepsisters were trying to fit into her glass slipper. too funny!
tappity tap tap tap
tap dance away lady... nomnom NOM!!
blondies are like the best things in the world (and no im not talking about hair, even though u'd think so cuz im blonde. sometimes i dye my hair black) i just really love big thick yummy chewy blondies(:
HI guysss.......
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