Aside from that, haha, I just had to show you guys this sweet potato I saw at Giant Eagle. I literally had to force my mom to take a picture because she gets embarrassed when I do things like this. But come on, wouldn’t you take a picture of this? It was a little over 4 pounds so that means it would’ve cost about $12.00. I wasn’t gonna pay that much for a sweet potato because that’s just bonkers!!! I am a little sad I didn’t get it though- who wouldn’t wanna be the owner of the world’s largest sweet potato???
As for food- yes- there is food!!!! There’s always food!!! It’s only one of my birdfood-disc-looking concoctions. These were soo darn good. The cinnamon and chocolate chips were my favorite parts of this one. These were much crunchier than my other RAW bars, and I like that about these. They were sturdy and just plain delicious!!!! They have a lot of ingredients, but they all work so well together. I just need to mass produce these babies!!
Here's the recipe:
Yummy Jos
1 cup oats
1/4 cup almond meal (I only had this but you could use actual almonds)
1/4 cup peanuts
1/4 cup hemp seeds
1/4 cup dried cherries and blueberries (I have a mixed bag)
1/4 cup dried apricots
1/8 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp pure vanilla extract
1 1/2 tbsp pure maple syrup
1 1/2 tbsp agave nectar
2 tbsp water
Spray a muffin tin with non-stick cooking spray or line with cupcake liners. In a food processor, pulse the oats, almond meal, peanuts, and hemp seeds until they are finely ground. Add dried fruit and cinnamon and pulse again. Add extract, maple syrup, and agave nectar. Pulse and only add the water if you feel that the mixture isn’t wet enough. I used 2 tbsp though. Scoop the mixture into the muffin tin and freeze for a few hours. After it’s frozen, thaw in the fridge and then you’re ready to eat!
I have a PedEgg!!! Haha :) I got it at Bed Bath and Beyond. It's actually totally painless. I used to use it in the summer but haven't in a while. Bobby thinks it's really gross.
Yay food :) That recipe sounds delicious.
I don't have a PedEgg, but I do have a rasp that looks similar and it is totally painless and totally working (unlike other products I tried...).
Wow you could feed a family on that sweet potato!! I would have taken a picture too
Hey Jo! I saw this during MoFo http://semicircularvegan.wordpress.com/2008/10/09/vegan-mofo-5-other-gadgets-ped-egg/
thought you might be amused by it >:o)
mmmm your muffins look so, SO good!
hahaha i thought it was so funny how you talked about the ped egg and the muffin all in one entry...
anyways, the ped egg does look like it would hurt. a lot. it's almost like taking a vegetable grater and putting it against your heel. that said, i've heard great, GREAT reviews about it. but im still scared that ill go overboard, and then not be able to walk for a week.
hope to keep in touch! :)
I don't have Pedegg, but I have something just like it:] And although it looks like a "veggie peeler" ( or so Pearl said, haha) it doesn't feel like one and it takes off all that nasty roughness of your foot. It makes your feet pretties:D
What a cute picture of you with the sweet potato! That is one LARGE sweet potato. It would have made lots and lots of sweet potato fries!!!
The raw bars look amazing! Do you think that I could substitute the almond flour for something else? Almons are uber expensive here and almond meal is completely unheard of, haha
oh....that's a huge sweet potato!!!!!
I don't use Pegegg because I'm too lazy!!!!hahah...
This time I just combined apple cinnamon cheerio looking thing with ártially whol ewheat corn flakes. But when I'm in the states I like combining Peanut Butter Cap'n Crunch and cheerios and rice crispies and honey cheerios. It gives it a FANTASTIC flavor:D
haha, I'll have to play our two songs together so I can see what it sounds like:] My speakers are broken so I have to wait till dad qwuits working on his, lol
Sorry dude! I couldn't decide if you'd be amused or horrified by it!
You are clearly in shock 'cos you just left me a comment on a completely different post than you were referring to!
You are so funny >:o)
these like a great snack. creative in the muffin shape!
I have a PedEgg too. I got it at BB&B. I don't really use it, although I don't really think its gross, and it doesn't hurt. I just...kind of like my calluses. If I scrape them off them come back when I run, so what's the point?
I love your little muffins! They look really good, something I've never tried before.
hhehee... my sister in law and I totally got suckered into this one... and if you think a PedEgg looks like a cheese grater for your feet... IT IS!!! haha....
just think of all those thanksgiving dishes you could make with that sweet potato??!?!? and we finally did some homemade granola bars (not raw but I'm going to come look for some good recipes soon... are you using all raw nuts as well?? where do you get them?) I don't know what took us so long they're delish!
Hey hey Jo!!
Well,well...here in Pol we don't have a PedEgg but sth similar to this =P I don't use it but my mum does!! =P And I don't think it's painful =P it's just a kinda..hard massage haha!!
OHHH WHAT A COOL COMBINATION with these DISC-BARS!!! =D You're doing SOOO great with all those mixings here !! =D Love it!!
Enjoy your day!!
Hope to hear from you soon! ! =D
Look at that sweet potato! Crazy! I would be so proud if that came out of my garden (I don't grow sweet potatoes, wish I could!).
Your treats look awesome, the more I learn about Raw Food, the more intrigued I am. I am trying to incorporate more in my diet...I will have to try these out!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! :)
for a second, i asked myself why your treats were called yummy jos. then i realized. what can i say, it's hump day. :)
Ew PedEgg...I see those commercials on TV and it looks so gross, I would never even think of buying one.
Hahah, six packs of oatmeal a day? What a champ. His gf's lucky =]
that is a huge potato. the pedegg commercial always makes me gag.
I completely agree about the Pedeggs! I always walk past them, but never bought them. They look like a food graters! I prefer pumic stone.
that is one big sweet potato! thanks for stopping by my blog, and i really can't wait to try out that recipe. i'm so inspired by all of my talented vegan blogging buddies!
That sweet potato is something else!
And those discs sound absolutly delicious - I adore anything bound together with maple syrup. I've never come accross agave nectar though. Don't think you can get it over here in the UK...
hehe, I tried what you said you did with the music and thought that it was really funny. I DOn't know, I'm just completely weird I guess so I started laughing:p
I don't know why, but after reading your post I was prompted to find out how big the biggest sweet potato was. Apparently, 12.38 pounds! I would have taken a photo of yours too though!
Mmm...snacky goodness. I'll have to try your recipe!
I'm so excited that you are excited by Leek Soup weekend. Leeks are a slight diuretic, so aside from cleansing the body, you are supposed to lose a couple pounds. Granted, it is water weight and the author of French Women Don't Get Fat admits this, but it does give one the boost they need to get started. After Christmas, I am going to be discussing a chapter a week from French Women Don't Get Fat so I'd love to do a true leek soup weekend then (but I'm afraid I'll wimp out again after 24 hours but it's the thought that counts right?) Thanks for your interest. I'll make sure to let you know when I start discussing the book in more detail, but it will be the first Monday after Jan 1 for sure.
Longest comment ever I'm sure....but the Pedi Egg. I never understood it either but I saw it on the View recently. Whoopie said she loves it so last time I was in Bed Bath and Beyond I looked at it more closely. It looked too much like my lemon zester for me to buy it. I might gag every time I zested a lemon then. But, if you have ever gotten a pedicure and had the cosmetologist SHAVE OFF your callouses, it's the same thing. It doesn't hurt.
holy smokes that potato is HUGE!
yeah, I know the feeling. I should be doing chemistry but I'm just not in the mood either. Math and science combined? Umm no thankyou!
And yes, I pretty much laugh at everything :D It makes life more amusing
A cupcake face mask? I've never heard of that? It sounds yummy though hehe. is it a literal face mask?
Right now I am browsing online stores wishing I had money to purchase cute clothes hehe
Thanks for your nice comment - I know at some point even if I miss the home cooking I will be able to restrain myself - I'm on my way :)
Oh, and I don't know anything about the PedEgg but I DO know about those modified razors they use for pedicures - one time the pedicurist had to go through three blades on just ONE foot of a woman sitting next to me! If I were her, I would get a PedEgg just to forgo the embarrassment at the salon!
Great looking muffins!! I definitely would have bought that sweet potato!! That was ginormous!!!
And as for the Ped-egg... when, on the commercial, they opened it and showed all the dead skin -- that was it for me. I can't even look at them in stores without my stomach turning. Gross. My SIL has one and absolutely loves it. I just can't get past the vessel of dead skin. Ick.
yucky poo on the food egg. Though I use a pumice stone in the bath. no collection chamber in a pumice stone.
I think that sweet potato is meant for a thanksgiving extravaganza. I just roasted 1/2 of my gigantor rutabega (as big as my head) and boiled the other 1/2 as a taste test. I think roasting it sort of sucks and it took forever.
Those Jos look very yummy!
Holy sweet potato! That was totally picture worthy! And you are so cute!
I think the Ped Egg looks gross, but funnily enough, I just ordered one last week after spending $40 on a pedicure and thinking I could do it myself much cheaper.
The Yummy Jos look great - I am a fan of "sturdy" cookies.
I really want on of yours big Jos! They are awesome my friend, big and fat is the way to go!
I just found this post, those yummy jo's sound amazing!
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