Hi everyone!! Thanks for all your comments about the PedEgg!!! It’s pretty much a 50/50 as to whether or not I should buy one. As of now, I think my feet are okay, but maybe in the future (like in 50 years) I’ll need one. But my post today is really about the ridiculous incident that happened on my way home from the gym yesterday. I was waiting at a stoplight on a VERY busy road just listening to “Bleeding Love.” I know that song is totally overplayed, but I still can’t help singing along with it. All of a sudden, the light turns green, and my car turns off. I jiggle the key a bunch of times but it doesn’t work!!!! I start panicking, look in my purse for my phone, and realize I left it at home. Great. Just great. Haha. All of the cars around me were honking their horns and rolling down their windows just to yell profanities at me. Of course, I gave all of them the finger. Haha Just kidding- I should have though, but I knew I was in a bad situation already. I didn’t need to get beat up on top of it. Thankfully, this guy (maybe 40?) and his SMOKIN HOT son (my age-thank god) helped me out and after about 10 minutes of tinkering under the hood (the car’s hood-haha), they started my car. They also followed me home to make sure that my damn car didn’t stall on the way back. I love good Samaritans… especially when they look like that!!!!

Okay. Now after you know what a pervert I am, let’s get to the food shall we? I have a product review to talk of first. I am addicted to these PhillySwirls!!!! I eat about 4 of them a day and yeah, they have a bunch of sugar, but they are dairy free, fat free, gluten free, and nut free. Basically everything but sugar free haha. The cotton candy and blue-raspberry are my favorites, as you probably noticed from my shockingly blue tongue (that’s my sexy bathrobe btw haha).You must try these if you see them in the store. I buy the Popperz, Stix, and Italian Ice. As for real food that has some nutritional value, I got nothing. Haha just kidding. I have soup!! It’s the Chickpea-Noodle Soup from Veganomicon. I LOVE this stuff. I had to alter the recipe because I didn’t have a lot of the ingredients. I just wanted to make it because I had a can of chickpeas and the soup had chickpeas in it. Fair enough.
Here’s what I got:
Chickpea-Noodle Soup
2 tbsp olive oil
1 large yellow onion, sliced
1 cup carrots, sliced
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 cup celery, chopped
1 cup red pepper, chopped
1/3 cup fresh parsley, chopped
¼ cup fresh basil, chopped
2 tbsp water
6 cups vegetable stock
1 15oz can chickpeas, drained and rinsed
1 ½ cup shell pasta (I used brown rice)
1/3 cup brown rice miso
Directions: Preheat soup pot over medium-high heat. Saute onions and carrots in oil for 10 minutes. Add garlic, celery, pepper, and herbs and sauté for 5 minutes. Deglaze the pot with water. Add 6 cups of vegetable stock and chickpeas. Cover and bring to a boil. Once broth is boiling, add pasta and lower the heat to medium-low. Cover and cook for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the miso and stir until it’s mixed in. Turn burner off and let stand for about 20 minutes. It stayed very hot for a while, so wait… unless you want your tongue to fall off haha
How many calories are the cotton candy pops? They look so good!
As for the hot boy, maybe it is some miracle story you'll tell your (and his) kids someday. ;)
i'm glad they got your car working again! that's too cool of them! hooray for a cute boy, too! :) your soup looks soooo yummy! i love, love, love me some chickpeas! yay!
Nice blue tongue! I'll have to check out the popsicles.
Too bad your car bombed out, but hooray for the rescue!
I love a big bowl of homemade chicken noodle soup. This looks delicious - so do the cotton candy pops.
i'm not a big popsicle person unless i'm super sick. props for representin' some chick peas!
Thanks for stopping by and checking out the rice pudding. I like your dream of owning your own bakery...ohhh man how I would love to do that too! I like your blog.
Aww sweet:] A very hot angel to your rescue;) Did you slip him your phone number or email?:D
yum-num. good idea on the soup.
I'm awarding you with a "Butterfly Award" for having a really cool blog that I love to read. It's also sort of a meme, so the love doesn't stop w/ you :)
I love popsicles. I go through a phase once in a while where I have to have them. blue tongue is a bonus.
Breaking down sucks. Happened to me during rush hour once and there wasn't anywhere to pull over. Lots of honking and torture. Luckily the police came and helped me out.
Woohoo! Jo and Hot Boy, sitting in a tree... :P
Hooray for the guys that helped you! And I would buy Larabars @ Trader Joe's if I lived in the USA! So maybe $2.95 here isn't that expensive?
Oh wow, that dish looks perfect for wintry days!! And yaay for cute boy!
We are so nuts!!! But you are right, they do sound awesomtogether:] I'm listening to it right now, haha
Yeah... Going to the gym is awesome with hot guys;) Yesterdasy the trainer had to go tell a bunch of guys to get back to working out because they were STARING. But when they aren't staring they are adorable to talk with hehe
hey thanks for the comment on my blog! im enjoying reading yours :) i go to school at Penn State University !
That had to be pretty scary what happened to your car! Thankfully some people are still kind enough to give a helping hand. I'm sure it didn't hurt that they weren't too hard on the eyes to look at either.
Yum on the soup! I love chickpeas but have yet to put them in some soup. In fact, it has been too long since I've had chickpeas anyway!
What, you didn't get out your picture and snap pictures of the cute guy while your car was broken down.
Yum to the Yummy Jo's also.
And holy sweet potato! I always buy the smallest ones, so I can eat the whole thing!
I meant, get out your camera and snap pictures of the cute guy.
Oh, I had a summer where that would happen to my car all the time. When I was exactly your age, actually (okay, that makes me sound like I think I'm old, I don't, just coincidence). It always happened at stoplights. I hope it doesn't happen to you again because for me, it took a couple tries and a lot of money to fix it.
That soups looks JUST like what I need right now...ice pop not too much, haha, too cold here for me. But good to know they are vegan!
oooh, all that sugar, I just can't eat like that! I wish I could... I'm more into the savory stuff. :P
Thanks for commenting on mine.
See ya around!
Ice pops may not be healthy, but they are *good* so don't feel too guilty. That soup looks really great. Maybe you should make some and bring it to the hot guy and his dad to say thanks!
Hahahaha your tongue is my favorite color!
Yay for cute boys!
Love the blue tongue pic! Thank goodness for good Samaritans - they're a rare breed.
The soup looks pretty good - I have cans of chickpeas that smuggle themselves home from the grocery store from time to time, so this looks like a good way to use them.
that pop looks AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!
That chocolate bar with gingerbread from my cookies, is Choxie brand from Target, to make your shopping a little easier! ;)
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