Hey guys. I just got home a little while ago from my trig final aka the death of me. I can honestly say that the SAT math portion was way easier than my final. I'm just glad that I am out of that class. Obviously, if I do bad, I'll probably have to take trig again, but at least I won't have it for a few months.
On the brighter side of things, I figured I'd post some pictures of my bedroom. I have no clue what prompted me to do this. I was just folding laundry, saw my camera, and figured the hell with it. My room rocks and you guys should see it. It's where all the magic happens. And when I say magic, I mean pole dancing to Britney Spears on my bedpost.
Here you go:

This is my bed. I don't enjoy making it, but I do it on occasion if I feel like it's been too long. I like sleeping with 3 blankets because my house is a freakin freezer. As for the hot pink sheets, I can't stand changing them, so I try to avoid it. I guess you could say that I sleep in my own filth haha

My life-size Hannah Montana poster- Don't ask.

My plethora of stuffed animals. These ones are my favorites, so they have their own couch. My ex bf gave me the wolf and giraffe; my mom gave me hello kitty; and I made the bear!! Hell yeah. I have mad sewing skills... not.

These are my old pom-poms and trophy. Cheerleading was a lot of fun for me, and I wish I could still do it. At the heart of this picture is something I despise- the Rubik's cube. I've tried my entire life to solve that damn thing. I've watched countless hours of youtube how-to's, and I just can't do it. I hate anybody who can. haha

That green worm was my first stuffed animal. Somebody gave it to me in the delivery room- of course, I remember this day perfectly.

My favorite purse- I know it's completely against veganism, but come on people, how cute is it??? My teacher told me I looked like I was going to a picnic when I brought it to her class. She's just jealous.

The best fake tattoo collection ever!! I usually wear one every day, so I like to have a wide range to choose from.

I have this crazy shoe addiction. I don't know when it started, but I'm okay with it.

More shoes- I just had to get my hooker boots in there. I only wear them on special occasions... like going to church.

I got this picture drawn at Giant Eagle one day when I was there with my bff, Mitchel. Obviously, it depicts me perfectly.

Figure I'd finish off with a cute best friends picture. This is Mitchel and I at our Sears photo shoot. haha We were bored one day, so we scheduled a photo session. We brought aprons, rolling pins, and whisks. I think the photographer thought we were drunk, but that's okay.
Hope you enjoyed it. If you didn't, then maybe you'll enjoy
this. It's a really inhumane video from a Survivor episode. I crack up every time I watch it.
Your bedroom is awesome and so colorful! Just like you!
That drawing of you is priceless! I love it!
PS: Nice church hooker boots! :P
Oh, and you made a bear!! So adorable!!
Oh, and he Rubik's Cube is very "yin yang" with the red square! :)
What a fascinating window into your world!
And the bag is totally awesome~ your teacher is totally jealous!
I have the opposite of a shoe obsession~ I have one pair of (vegan) trainers now and that's it!
I love the little couch thing! It is SO awesome!
Your room looks really awesome, and what's the story behind that Hannah Montana poster??? hahha
Cute room! I love that mini-couch :)
those are fabric eggs and bacon... so if it makes you happy, i don't see anything wrong with it!
Hahaha, I love the photoshoot, that is awesome.
I don't make my bed either. I blame it on my cat because she likes to lay on the sheets where I was sleeping because its all warm, but really I just don't want to make it :)
your room is awesome, Joanna! i love it! especially the pink color & hello kitty (and your homemade bear)! that's too awesome!
i love that purse as well - i think it's really cute! :D eggs & bacon used to be one of my favs! (shhhhh, just don't tell anyone! ahahhaaa!)
thanks for the tour! you rock, Joanna!
A nice girly room! I love that couch and the bags... Wow, that's what I call a boot collection!
ohhh there's mr green worm! too cute!
your room has so much character...just like you...babe told ya you're a riot!
the bag is tres cute! i would take it even tho i hate eggs and bacon.
Great post!
You have the funnest posts ever! I always look forward to reading your blogs. Thanks for sharing! I laughed so hard at your hooker boots to church joke.
Where else could you where hooker boots?? Lol
I love love love your egg bag, thats so cute :)
I love your bedroom. And shoes, too!! Very cool church boots. I love that you went to Sears with your whisks and aprons. That is priceless!
Um thanks for the tour. :) I hate rubik's cube people too...!! Just throw it out or buy one that is solved already. :) hahah
Awesome room. It's so colorful like your food! Ha! Figures you were a cheerleader. You are so full of life!
Your room is adorable! I love how bright and cheery it is!
haha... oh jo! That bedroom is so you! I can totally see that that's your natural environment... I'd gush more about how cute you are but I'm off to get smashed and make an appt at Sear's... MWAAHAHAHHA!
haha! i love the eggs n bacon purse. you remind me of myself--awesome ;)
I love pink, but I think I just got out-pinked :).
Reminds me of when you asked if my house was covered in stickers. Hmmm... is your bedroom?
I love fake tatoos. I'm too much of a wuss to get a real one, plus fake ones allow you to change them w/ your mood.
That photo shoot is so funny.
I haven't watched survivor in a LONG time, but I have seen that clip before. The end is the best. "I hit my head back there" "I don't care." "I know."
i love your room lol, love itttt!
you MUST try more larabars; besides the 2 you've tried, PB cookie and apple pie are some of my favs. they will change your life ;)
something for u over at my blog Jo Riot ;)
hope it beats your working blues away....
I love the pictures you & your friend took at Sears! What a cool idea! Wonder if I could get Sergio to do that with me... hmm... :)
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