They turned out amazing!!! But that’s no surprise. You guys know I don’t bake crappy muffins haha They are Coconut Macadamia Muffins. I just love macadamia nuts. I don’t think you heard me. I LOVE macadamia nuts. Haha I’ve been eating them like a madwoman, but I’m okay with it. The original recipe called for almonds, but I didn’t have any. I found it on eat me, delicious. I had to change some ingredients to make it gluten free, and I substituted a few others just for my own enjoyment haha
Coconut Macadamia Muffins
½ cup millet flour
1 cup unsweetened shredded coconut
½ cup organic cane sugar
1 ½ tsp baking powder
½ tsp baking soda
¼ tsp sea salt
¾ cup light coconut milk
2 tbsp ground flax seeds + 6 tbsp water (or egg replacer for 2 eggs)
¼ cup canola oil
½ tsp vanilla extract
½ tsp almond extract
1/3 cup macadamia nuts, chopped
Directions: Preheat oven to 400F. In a small cup, combine flax seeds with water and let stand while assembling other ingredients. In a large bowl, combine flours, shredded coconut, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Stir together. Add in the coconut milk, egg replacer, oil, extracts, and nuts. Stir together until well-combined. Spoon into a greased muffin tin and bake for 12-15 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. Makes 10 muffins.
*There was a superman candle sitting on a shelf, and he really wanted to be in the picture. Can you blame him? Look at those two fine ladies!
Save me a piece!
Yumm coconut macadamia muffins! Excellent adaptation.
sounds so so so delicious! i want one!
Muffins make me happy too :) I think I might go eat one right now actually.
Oh, man, those sound soooooooo good!
I have asked Santa for one of those funky muffin pans!
I'd like to sink my teeth into one of those humongous and delicious babies, chock full of macadamias, yummmmmmm!!!
I love our muffin tins, how they're so tall! Thanks for the recipe!
You really are going to turn into a muffin!
They look awesome!
Hello Joanna
lovely muffins , I really like your blog very much , I'll post my cinamon recipe as soon as possible , i'll let you know.
Stay tuned and have a very nice day!!
The muffins look yummy, Joanna!
Hey Jooooo!!
Oh my Friend,reading your post always assures me in this fact that in many situations and issues I feel pretty similar to you!! !! =)) It's amazzzing,and I get these nice feeling that I've known you for a LOOOOOONG time before we "met" hah!! Isn't it cooL????!!
I'm the same with DOING THINGS IN THE KITCHEN pretty late in the evening, in my FAVOURITE ORANGE BATHROBE !! And I love it because this gives my the feeling you just described!! I feel like in my own special world,exploring new things,flavors,ideas,it's SOOOO AMAZZZING,and my parents used to look at me a bit surprised and annoyed but now they're accustomed to me running through the kitchen in the evening/night hah =DD I LLOVE it, it's the BEST RELAXATION ever!!!! Don't you think we should think bout making sth TOGETHER??!! I mean,a restaurant/bakery/raw and vegan ...!!!!!???? =DD
What do you think,Jojo??!! =D
Well,and MACADAMIAS!!! Oh YEAH!!! The best nuts ever!! I've missed them SOO MUCH,but two day ago I got some from my Grannie!! =D Hurray!! I'll be using/eating them soon!! =DD
School , yeahh...such a stupid thing to worry bout hah...but well, hang in there !!! I'm all with you!!!!!!!! =DDDD
Aww! I'm sorry that you have been so busy! I hope the cooking made you feel somewhat better. Oooo and it has coconut in it! Delicious!
I always love your muffins :-)
So sorry I've missed so many posts, girl!! :-(
Yumm those muffins sound delicious. Love the Superman add-in :)
Coconut macadamia?! Oh holy wow!
This is probably a really stupid question, but how do you make your muffins so big??
wow, those sound really good. you know what i'm thinking? topping them with some pineapple sauce from VWAV. only a foodie would think about adding more food on top of already good food. boy am i in trouble!
I forgot to ask did you google Wentworth Miller? YUM!
hang in there, Joanna! :) hugs to you, girlie! sorry school is crazy for you right now; i hope it calms down soon!
i read your post and smiled because i too often times wear my favorite bathrobe when i cook! it's softy and fluffy and i love it the most!
your muffins sounds scrumptious and they look oh-so delicious! thanks for another glorious recipe!
Coconut and macadamia makes me happy!
These look yummy! I'm glad you went ahead and cooked away at 11:30. Sometimes you just HAVE to! :)
I too have been in a cooking funk since Thanksgiving. Good for you for getting through it by making a rockin' muffin.
Definitely!!!! Let's go to Paris:] I really want to see the Eiffel Tower before I die. It looks so beautiful in movies, I can only imagine in real life!
Hi Jo. Oh sweetie, I sympathize with the "finals" turmoil. My daughter's going through the same thing. She had two exams this week and between her school and work I doubt she's had any sleep at all. Big time stress. So you take good care of yourself as much as you can. You made delicious daughter made her happy food: brownies.
Difference between American or European chocolate and Mexican chocolate is that Mexican chocolate is not as smooth as the others. The sugar used is unrefined, therefore it tends to be grainy. But the taste is amazing and once used in baking the sugar dissolves nicely and gives you that cinnamon and almond taste that defines Mexican chocolate.
I love macadamia nuts too! I wish they had less calories. :(
you are a muffin factory. mmmmm... coconut!
hahaahha oh my god your picture is soooo adorable! at first, i thought superman was HOISTING a muffin over his head!
and i totally know what you mean about getting into your own world when cooking - it IS so therapeutic for me, too, and i can just concentrate solely on that; but at the same time, completely relax. kind of like driving! it's innate, almost.
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