As for other important shit, I thought I'd talk about some of my smoothies I drink every day. I've become a smoothie addict and have usually have one for breakfast and lunch. Lately, my favorite has been the Banana Smoothie!!! Uhh it is total sex in my mouth!! I love it
Here's the recipe:
Banana Smoothie
4-5 bananas
2 glasses full of water
2-3 dates
Blend it all up and enjoy with your eye closed... except if you're driving.
Speaking of food, how was everyone's Easter?? My BF Mitchel came over and we dyed eggs and drew pictures of each other. My cheeks were still really swollen from having my wisdom teeth removed and Mitchel took full advantage of making fun of me. It was quite enjoyable, but I was so doped up on meds that I hardly remember it. I wasn't even wearing a bra!! haha I couldn't remember how to dye eggs either, so mine didn't turn out very well. Landsy's eggs were beautiful though. I guess he's also a professional egg-dyer in his spare time. Here's some pictures of our scandalous night...

Oh and I just remembered something amazing. I saw Tubby (the squirrel) a few days ago in the Bally's parking lot!!! I haven't seen him all freakin winter and thought he had vanished forever. I walked past a van and practically pissed myself when I saw that giant furball.
Life is good!